Evin Lewis vs Gareth Delany ODI, Test, T20, Stats & Records [Since 2003]

Full Name Evin Lewis Gareth James Delany
Birth date 27/12/1991 28/04/1997
Age 32 27
Birth Country Trinidad And Tobago Ireland
Team West Indies Ireland

Batting Stats

Evin Lewis 5251140712529.31938150.000294103100130483
Gareth Delany 62538438919.60635132.75002373342004310

Evin Lewis 4242153217640.31179785.25048214748140384
Gareth Delany 20182342218.0024695.12000120690135

Evin Lewis 27266546527.25477137.100042623690242
Gareth Delany didnotbatsince2003 -          

Bowling Stats

Players have not bowled