Champions League Twenty20 2013, 6th Match, Group B Rains always spoils cricket matches
This post was created by  4THUMPIRE  on  24 Sep 2013  in  CL T20. Read related articles on  brisbane heattitans etc
What a match today its been. titans played really good not in terms of batting but in terms of bowling. brisbane heat restricted them to the score of 123 runs, and it was looking that they win this match but things hadn't turned in this way.

reason for this is that both teams bowled really well. from the brisbane side MG gale did a very good bowling. he took 4 wickets in just 2.5 overs and just gave 10 runs. M de Lange took 3 wickets and he bowled 4 overs and gave 13 runs. 

so M de lange was announced man of the match for this. from titans richards also did good bowling and took 2 wickets. 
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