Asad Shafiq vs Mervyn Dillon ODI, Test, T20, Stats & Records [Since 2003]

Full Name Asad Shafiq Mervyn Dillon
Birth date 28/01/1986 05/06/1974
Age 38 49
Birth Country Pakistan Trinidad And Tobago
Team Pakistan West Indies

Batting Stats

Asad Shafiq 10101923819.20185103.78000019230100
Mervyn Dillon didnotbatsince2003 -          

Asad Shafiq 605813368424.74197967.5000951085140544
Mervyn Dillon 341571146.458880.6800024280114

Asad Shafiq 147128466013738.19958848.6001227135122914601226
Mervyn Dillon 15141783013.6931057.41000330120131

Bowling Stats

Players have not bowled