Kusal Janith Perera vs Kesrick Williams ODI, Test, T20, Stats & Records [Since 2003]

Full Name Kusal Janith Perera Kesrick Omari Kenal Williams
Birth date 17/08/1990 17/01/1990
Age 33 34
Birth Country Sri Lanka Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
Team Sri Lanka West Indies

Batting Stats

Kusal Janith Perera 656516778426.611286130.400013315555176632
Kesrick Williams 24719136.3317111.760003117034

Kusal Janith Perera 111108305413529.65330192.51051712337514721035
Kesrick Williams 55191619.002770.370002100014

Kusal Janith Perera 2214147.0013107.690001300020
Kesrick Williams didnotbatsince2003 -          

Kusal Janith Perera 4341117715330.97159973.600275151123514383
Kesrick Williams didnotbatsince2003 -          

Bowling Stats

Players have not bowled