Shannon Gabriel vs Jermaine Blackwood ODI, Test, T20, Stats & Records [Since 2003]

Full Name Shannon Terry Gabriel Jermaine Blackwood
Birth date 28/04/1988 20/11/1991
Age 36 32
Birth Country Trinidad And Tobago Jamaica
Team West Indies West Indies

Batting Stats

Players have not batted

Bowling Stats

Shannon Gabriel 223-18.668.0014.0000-70566
Jermaine Blackwood didnotbowlsince2003--   -    

Shannon Gabriel 212127-37.516.6536.1000-162.44101344
Jermaine Blackwood 310--5.33-000-30160

Shannon Gabriel 105104166-32.213.5256.5550-1563.12695348285
Jermaine Blackwood 69224-66.003.91113.1000-75.4122640