Christopher Barnwell vs Evin Lewis ODI, Test, T20, Stats & Records [Since 2003]

Full Name Christopher Dion Barnwell Evin Lewis
Birth date 06/01/1987 27/12/1991
Age 37 32
Birth Country - Trinidad And Tobago
Team West Indies West Indies

Batting Stats

Christopher Barnwell 66783419.5062125.800001442042
Evin Lewis 5251140712529.31938150.000294103100130483

Christopher Barnwell didnotbatsince2003 -          
Evin Lewis 4242153217640.31179785.25048214748140384

Christopher Barnwell didnotbatsince2003 -          
Evin Lewis 27266546527.25477137.100042623690242

Bowling Stats

Players have not bowled