Champions Trophy 2013 Winner Best Catch of the Pepsi IPL 2013 Season 6
This post was created by  PANKAJ GUPTA  on  19 May 2013  in  IPL. Read related articles on  hanuma vihariiplmanan vohramandeep singhsanju samson etc
Following is the nomination of Best Young player of this Pepsi IPL Season 6. You can vote for your favorite young player at You can also watch the video of their performance at that link.

Manan Vohra
Matches: 12
Runs: 161
Wickets: 0

Mandeep Singh
Matches: 16
Runs: 260
Wickets: 0

Hanuma Vihari
Matches: 16
Runs: 240
Wickets: 1

Sanju Samson
Matches: 9
Runs: 196
Wickets: 0

Whom you think will get Best Young Player of Pepsi IPL Season?
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