Hat Trick in IPL Most Wicket Taken in IPL
This post was created by  SKYSHOT  on  16 Apr 2013  in  IPL. Read related articles on  iplkolkata knight riders etc
Yeah I know this thing is little off the topic, but i thought this is also a main part of the so called 'richest premier League' . Ok,  so coming back to the topic that i have to discuss , last week I was browsing through internet and on every site i found ads related to IPL (Very obvious at this time).

Some how my mind diverted to check, who is most socially active, do you know what Kolkata Knight Rider was leading the way. Ammm.........around I guess 7500+ tweets done by them, (FB count will be more then that).

No doubt, social penetration is inherited by KKR in his genes (Yeah I am talking about SRK here). And for this first time i thought woh! for a team, not for his play but for something that accounts a large chunk of today's business.

KKR aficionados will be happy to see this. 
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