Most Sixes in Champions League CL T20 2013
This post was created by  PANKAJ GUPTA  on  06 May 2014  in  Cricket.  

One of my friend asked me that I checked world cup schedule and I found TBD/TBH  in the schedule. What does that mean?

So, below is the full form.

TBD = To be Decided

TBC = To be confirmed/ To be chosen

TBH = To be Held

TBC or TBD can be used for venue, date, time, or teams. If any one of these is unknown at the time of schedule declaration or at present date, websites uses TBD or TBC for that for a cricket match/series.

For example -

Semi Final matches - Mostly we get the teams details participating in semi final of any cricket tournament only after certain number of matches, so in case we will not have any information about the playing teams. So, we can use TBC or TBD.

Same thing can be used if venue is not yet decided or time/date for particular match is yet to be decided after certain time period.

Hope you understood.

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