Most Catch Taken in ICC T20 World Cup Europe Qualifier Group A 2022 Stats

1 Simo Ivetic (Serbia) 9 55 0.0 0- 
2 Scott Austin (Cyprus) 7 55 0.0 0- 
3 Romeo Nath (Turkey) 5 44 0.0 0- 
4 Peter Gallagher (FIN) 5 55 20.0 913.556.10
5 Edward Beard (Isle of Ma) 5 55 0.0 0- 
6 Jeffrey Grzinic (Croatia) 4 55 0.1 0-24.00
7 Vasu Saini (Romania) 4 55 10.0 228.505.70
8 Taranjeet Singh (Romania) 4 55 18.0 811.625.17
9 Gareth Berg (IT) 3 44 15.0 416.754.47
10 Georgios Galanis (Greece) 3 44 13.0 323.005.31
11 Crishan Kalugamage (IT) 3 44 12.0 415.005.00
12 Ilyas Ataullah (Turkey) 3 44 7.0 316.667.14
13 Ali Turkmen (Turkey) 3 44 14.0 419.005.43
14 Mark Pavlovic (Serbia) 3 55 15.0 240.005.33
15 Leslie Dunbar (Serbia) 3 55 0.0 0- 
16 Daniel Turkich (Croatia) 3 55 18.0 78.423.28
17 Tejwinder Singh (Cyprus) 3 55 17.0 620.667.29
18 Chamal Sadun (Cyprus) 3 55 12.3 612.335.92
19 Gurpratap Singh (Cyprus) 3 55 17.0 1011.706.88
20 George Burrows (Isle of Ma) 3 55 0.0 0-